
Recent Publications

  • Poonam Chowdhury (2022) Gris, Grief and the Heroine’s Journey, Parallax, 28:2, 242-255 (DOI: 10.1080/13534645.2023.2184953)
  • Book Entry on Raji: An Ancient Epic in Learning, Education, & Games Volume 4: 50 Games to Use for Inclusion, Equity, and Justice – Editors: Dr. Karen “Kat” Schrier, Dr. Rachel Kowert, Dr. Diana Leonard, and Tarja Porkka-Kontturi for ETC Press (Carnegie Mellon University) (DOI: 10.57862/k0dc-a726)

Conference Proceedings and Presentations

  • The Unheard India in Raji: An Ancient Epic: Remediating Orientalism and Patriarchy In Games from the Global South, DiGRA 2022 International Conference, Krakow, Poland (2022)
  • DiGRA India—Gaming the “sleeping giant”, DiGRA 2022 International Conference, Krakow, Poland (2022)
  • Game Over: Spirituality of Death in Spiritfarer at the DiGRA India conference (2021)
  • Gris and the Grey Dress at the ‘Affecting Game Space’ Conference at Edinburgh University (2021)
  • Grand Maze Auto: Traversing the Different Labyrinths of Grand Theft Auto V, One Layer at a Time at the GamesLit conference on ‘Games at the Margin’ held at Presidency University, Kolkata (2019)
  • Women in Videogames at the international seminar on ‘New Feminist Writings’ at Pondicherry University (2017).

Invited Talks

  • Women, Videogames, and India, Keynote for DiGRA India (2021)
  • Videogames and Mental Health for Pause for Perspective, Hyderabad (2021)
  • Interviewed by PhDs of India (2021)
  • Ludic Space and its Labyrinthi-city for the Department of Comparative Literature’s Research Forum at EFLU Hyderabad (2021)
  • Journey and the Art of Aesthetic Storytelling for DiGRA India (2021)